Exploring the Features and Security of Cock.li: A Free and Anonymous Email Service on the Dark Web


Welcome to Cock.li, a popular email service on the dark web that offers a free and anonymous mailbox. Our site owners prioritize transparency and provide regular activity transparency reports. In this blog post, we will explore the features and security of Cock.li, as well as how legal orders are handled.

The Anonymous Mailbox

Cock.li allows you to open a free and anonymous mailbox without the need to provide any personal information. This means that you can communicate securely without worrying about your identity being exposed. We understand the importance of privacy in the digital age, and our service aims to provide a safe space for users to communicate.

Low Security Level and Transparency

It is important to note that Cock.li openly declares that the security level of this email service is low. This means that the site owners have access to the emails sent through their servers. While this may raise concerns for some users, it is essential to understand that Cock.li prioritizes transparency and regularly publishes activity transparency reports.

Dark web users appreciate Cock.li for its commitment to transparency. As a result, Cock.li discloses every enforceable legal order on our transparency page.

Cock.li Handling Legal Orders

Since 2017, there have been just two legal orders for user information on. Both of these orders were deemed valid and handled in accordance with the law. Our commitment to transparency extends to how we handle legal orders.

Here, you will find detailed information on the process and procedures we follow when dealing with legal requests. We believe that being open and transparent about these matters is crucial in building trust with our users.

Supporting the Service

As a free email service, Cock.li relies on the support of its users to cover the costs of maintaining the server and the site. We do not charge any fees for signing up, and your donations go directly towards supporting the service. By donating, you are helping us continue to provide a secure and anonymous email platform for all users.

We appreciate the support we receive from our users, and it is because of this support that we can maintain the service and prioritize transparency.

Cock.li Conclusion

While the security level may be low, our commitment to transparency sets us apart. We regularly publish activity transparency reports and disclose any enforceable legal orders on our transparency page.

We understand the importance of privacy and aim to provide a safe space for users to communicate. By supporting our service through donations, you help us maintain the server and the site, ensuring that Cock.li remains a trusted platform for anonymous email communication.

Check out all other Email Providers right here

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